The Wash Up - Operation White Tiger

Operation White Tiger was the first public Mjolnir Gelsim event. It took place on Saturday 15 July 23 at Gelsim Ranch in Milmerran.


Laotia, 15/07/2023

Amidst the hushed whispers and tactical preparations, ODIN PMC teams received their mission orders. They were to perform a Non-combatant Evacuation Operation (NEO) in the remote region of Milmerran, searching for missing Australians and seeking to put a stop to the spread of the super drug, White Tiger, manufactured by the East Side Syndicate (ESS). The team leader, code-named "Monk," outlined the plan. They would insert via pack march to the Northern side of the Area of Operations (AO) and then proceed 1.5 kilometers to the main village in the region.

As the team reached the main village, the atmosphere was tense. They encountered both locals and potential hostiles. Initially, there was no contact with the enemy, and ODIN decided to hold the village and gather intel. ODIN made contact with the Volkhov Legionnaires, a Russian Private Military Force employed by the Laotian Government to instill order in Milmerran. The Legionnaires had already picked up some of the missing Australians they were searching for.

ODINs Alpha section was tasked with locating a specific person of interest (POI). After a thorough search, they found the wandering individual in the dense bush. Relieved, they brought him back to the village, reuniting him with the others.

Meanwhile, Bravo and Charlie sections set out to track down the remaining POIs. As they followed leads, they encountered and eliminated a hostile section of the ESS, clearing their way to find one of the POIs. Fortunately, they recovered valuable intel about the last individual.

With two POIs safely returned to the main village, ODIN pressed on to locate the final one. As Alpha combed the area, they stumbled upon a distressing sight - a lifeless body confirming the identity of the last POI.

Alarmed by the discovery, ODIN regrouped at the village, tightening their security measures while waiting for the extraction of the POIs. The helicopter approached for the rescue, but their presence didn't go unnoticed. ESS forces spotted the operation and surrounded the area, launching a sudden attack.

For thirty intense minutes, ODIN battled the well-coordinated enemy on all fronts. Eventually, they were forced to withdraw from the village, retreating to a platoon harbor to regroup.

With Phase 1 of their operation concluded, ODIN swiftly transitioned into Phase 2 - Counter Nexus operations.

Alpha section received a new mission: track and capture a High-Value Target (HVT) known as "Al-Hara," believed to be supplying bombs to the ESS. They successfully interdicted and captured the HVT, handing him over to local authorities for further questioning.

Meanwhile, Bravo and Charlie sections were assigned to ambush an arms deal between the ESS and an Albanian arms dealer. But the situation escalated rapidly, and ODIN found themselves in a heated exchange of fire with ESS forces. They had no choice but to retreat to their harbor.

Another crisis unfolded when the Volkhov Legionnaires were escorting a high-ranking Australian government official on an aid operation. ESS militants ambushed the convoy, capturing the official and his bodyguards. Tragically, the hostages were later brutally executed.

Seeking answers and justice, ODIN investigated the ambush site but found no survivors or bodies. They decided to clear out an ESS garrison in the nearby village. However, they were met with fierce resistance even before reaching the village.

Undeterred, ODIN pressed on, engaging in a prolonged firefight. The platoon launched a determined attack on the ESS positions, forcing them to retreat from the crossroads. The Legionnaires then linked up with ODIN forces and attached on as a Quick Reaction Force to assist with an assault on other ESS positions.

As they continued their pursuit, ODIN encountered intense indirect fire (IDF) from the enemy, causing chaos and confusion. Charlie section suffered heavy casualties and became combat ineffective, forcing them to withdraw from the crossroads. ODIN pressed on, pushing further into ESS territory until they came across further ESS positions, which turned out to be their main operating area.

An intense firefight ensued. ESS re-engaged with IDF and heavy fire from several fortified locations. In the midst of the chaos, ODIN lost communication with Alpha section, further complicating the situation. With one section completely lost and another almost combat ineffective, ODIN was forced to withdraw.

Though ODIN's assault on the ESS positions was unsuccessful, they withdrew and regrouped to re-equip for a night operation. Under the cover of darkness, they moved back to the village to defend and occupy it.

The night air was filled with tension as ODIN soon found themselves engaged in a fierce firefight with the ESS. A 40-minute battle ensued, with ESS finally breaking through ODIN's defenses, forcing them to withdraw once more.

Determined to reclaim the village, ODIN reorganised and launched a final assault. This time, their efforts succeeded as they breached the ESS defenses and regained control of the town, driving the enemy forces out.

With the village secured, ODIN had to count their losses and evaluate their forces. As the dust settled, they continued to conduct further operations in the area, enduring more casualties but further disrupting ESS’ drug running. ESS, seeing that ODIN would not be leaving any time soon, decided to withdraw their forces from the region, moving deeper into the dense Laotion jungle. White Tiger would rise again, this time stronger than ever…

On behalf of the staff at Mjolnir Gelsim, we wanted to thank you for attending Operation White Tiger, our first public MILSIM event. We took a big leap of faith putting this together to try and develop something that we’d be proud of and that you, the player, would enjoy and want to come back for more.

We would also like to thank the people who helped make the day happen. To all those who assisted in anyway through the land that we played on, those who helped with sponsorship, role playing and most importantly you, the player. This event would not run if not for you.

And finally, the jungles of Laotia harbour dark secrets, with danger lurking behind every corner. Find out more when ODIN push further in, hunting down the ESS.



What To Expect - Operation White Tiger 2


ODIN Private Military Company